Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Gator Farm experience

Now, this was quite a fun afternoon at the Alligator Farm...except for the part where Parker climbed up into one of our strollers, caused it to tip over, then fell and busted hi upper lip and his nose. Poor boy bled all over the place and had a rough afternoon, but then we got to see the alligator feeding and that kept him pretty happy the rest of the afternoon. The park was pretty amazing and seeing Maximo, a more than 15-foot long and somewhere around 1,500 pound crocodile, was quite impressive and awesome!

Our Florida Bucket List

Well, since we've moved here, we have decided that we are going to work on our "Florida Bucket lit." This list highlights all of the things we want to go do and see while we live in Florida (since we aren't sure how long we're going to live here). One of those items on our list is to go see some of the beaches we were told are really nice. In the pictures, we went to one of the beaches because we were told that we could find lots of shark teeth on the beach there. We think we actually found 2 of them, but...we were also told that a little farther north than where we were is the best place to find shark teeth. So, we're going back to make sure we find some! As you can see, Sarah loves the beach! She especially loves to be "in" anything she can be...holes, boxes, buckets, name it. If Sarah can be in it or get in it, she's going to be in it!

Alright...couldn't get the slideshow loaded. So, I'll post just a couple of pictures here for you for now until I can get the slideshow uploaded!

Here's the best video of the day from the Alligator Farm/Zoo we visited with Mom here. The alligator farm was quite unique. It wasn't as big as we thought it would be, but, by the end of the afternoon, we had seen a few hundred alligators. It was quite hard to get a real count of how many there were just because so many were under water and hard to find!